MIAMI, FL — October 17, 2023 — (NOTICIAS NEWSWIRE) — Florida’s oldest transplant organization, Florida Lions Eye Bank, is changing its name to Beauty of Sight. This new name reflects the organization’s mission, values, and continued commitment to restoring sight in the communities it serves.
Formed in 1962 as a joint effort between Lions Clubs of Florida and the University of Miami’s Department of Ophthalmology, Florida Lions Eye Bank has provided over 68,000 ocular grafts for corneal transplants and other sight-restoring eye surgeries, and nearly 40,000 ocular tissues for research and training. Additionally, through its dedicated ocular pathology lab, the organization has provided diagnostic services for over 130,000 patient specimens.
Over the past 15 years, the non-profit has experienced significant growth and evolution attributed to both the changing needs of its community and changes in technology. This has resulted in the organization expanding its mission to include the processing of Serum Tears, the patent of new medical devices, and the expansion of research aimed at creating new treatments and cures for ocular diseases. These programs have reinforced the organization’s core mission of restoring sight and preventing blindness. “This transformation is not just a name change, it’s a reaffirmation of our commitment to our mission and to the communities that we serve,” said Elizabeth Fout, Executive Director of Beauty of Sight. “Our continued growth has expanded our impact while confirming our dedication to creating a world without blindness. Our new name reflects just that.”
Despite the name change, Beauty of Sight’s sight-restoring programs, commitment to research and innovation, and long-standing tradition of excellence remain steadfast. In addition, Beauty of Sight will continue its relationship with its trusted community partners and will remain a part of Lions International, continuing its time-honored relationship with the Lions of District 35. For more information on Beauty of Sight’s programs and impact, visit Beauty of Sight at