AUSTIN – July 9, 2013 – (HISPANICIZE WIRE) – Food bloggers and Taco Journalists, Mando Rayo and Jarod Neece partner with The History Press to produce a book about Austin’s favorite breakfast food: the breakfast taco!
With a voice as flavorful and fun as their favorite Austin treat, Neece and Rayo traverse the multi-layered culture and history of the breakfast taco. They explore the origins of the breakfast taco, delving into the legend and lore of the vaqueros and the Texan cowboys and introducing us to the first Mexican immigrants to arrive in what is now downtown Austin.
The new book doesn’t just chronicle the history of the taco; it introduces us to the friendly faces of fellow Austinites and taco-enthusiasts who contributed their own special recipes for the breakfast taco. Colorful and bursting with flavor, each of these original recipes delivers authentic Austin sabor. Authors Mando Rayo and Jarod Neece have written a book on the Austin breakfast taco as colorful and zesty as the taco creations they love.
“The book is more than just about tacos”, says Rayo. “It’s about Austin, our community and how the breakfast taco just brings all of it together.”
«Breakfast tacos in Austin are definitely having their moment,” Rayo adds.
«When we started the blog, it was pre-yelp, early blog days and we wanted a way to let people know where the real tacos were and what tacos to avoid,» Neece says. «We quickly added Mando to the mix and we have been eating and talking tacos ever since. And soon that turned into a book!»
New Title: Austin Breakfast Tacos: The Story of the Most Important Taco of the Day
Publishing date: July 19, 2012
978.1.62619.049.8 {Paperback, 192 pages, $14.99 }
The History Press
About the book
Hold Breakfast in your Hands – Austin Style
Fresh tortillas, fluffy huevos con bacon and spicy salsa—good morning, Austin.Or good afternoon, evening, night—whenever! From taco tailgates to taquerias, there is a taco for every occasion and persuasion. Some say that it was born in the days of cowboys and vaqueros, and others say it was a creation of the Tex-Mex culture, but one thing is certain: the breakfast taco has taken over the Capital City. From South Congress to North Austin, neon and chalkboard signs tempt hungry passersby with their best morning-time handheld bites. With over forty breakfast taco recipes, Mando Rayo and Jarod Neece investigate (and masticate) the history, culture and traditions of that indelible and delectable Austin treat: the breakfast taco. Austin Breakfast Tacos: The Story of the Most Important Taco of the Day will retail for $14.99 and is available now for pre-orders at,, and The book hit retails stores on July 19, 2013.